Sunday, May 16, 2010


Wipe off coloring pages....the cheapo way.
the kids coloring books with uncolored pages.
card stock
clear contact paper
dry erase markers(they make these washable now!)
copy machine (find your own or use the one at work, the copy stores probably won't help you, based on copyright laws)

Copy your kids' favorite images or character's onto the card stock. Cover with clear contact paper, cut to size.  Let them color with the dry erase markers.

Here is where you ask WHY? we already have the coloring books...
My answer...1) reuse the pages, it is "green"
2) no more "but he colored that one already!" arguments
And mostly...Because crayons melt in the car, leaving a mess and stain on the seats, gobs in the carpet.

Added bonus you can make recolor-able paper dolls from their favorite characters!  Or mount them on magnet sheets and give each kid a cookie sheet and some markers.  The cookie sheet is hard enough to write on, hols the paper still and keeps the markers from rolling away.