They do, some of them anyway. They seem to believe that it is somehow my fault my kids are so well, wonderful.
It first started with Buggy, she was a great sleeper, and slept through the night in the first few months. This is apparently not what you tell parents whose kids do not sleep through the night still after the age of 2. She also sleeps in her own bed, always has. Don't get me wrong she has climbed in with us after a bad dream or two, but she just prefers her own bed. I do feel sorry for her future husband though; that girl kicks all night long!
My son says thank-you when you change his diaper. This is also unusual I hear. Not in my house,it happens all the time here. It is not just the diapers either, he says thank-you for his bath too.
They are pretty well mannered kids, they even say excuse me when passing others in the grocery store. When is the last time you heard an adult do that?
Recently I was on the phone with a friend who was having a hard time getting her tween to clean her own room. As we were talking she heard Buggy say in the background; "Mommy, cam I have a job to do?" She then proceeded to help me fold the towels as she was done making her bed and putting away her books. Not that she is always like that, just usually.
In an effort to make this a little less of a bragging on my kids session I must add that today I was informed that I "just don't understand what it is like to be a kid." I coulda sworn I had a few more years til I heard that one.....
Today's pic is by my cousin, she is great with a camera. Dimples was shaking everyone's hand outside my sister's wedding in September. What a little gentleman!