Tuesday, December 14, 2010

wordless wednesdays

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

OHH Tasty!

A fellow NU Alumnus has a baked goods business in CA check it out here. .  She makes lots of really tasty looking treats, the Lollibakes look really tempting, but shipping them from CA might not help the freshness.  So I gave it a shot.  I am not going to to tell you how to do it here, not yet anyway, but I used strawberry cake and frosting coated in chocolate. It is like a chocolate covered strawberry.  They are not nearly as pretty as Diana's and I am pretty sure her from scratch taste way better than my box mixes but we liked them.  They could be fun to make with the kids when they are older but too time consuming for Dimples. They are the perfect snacking size and were a hit at the picnic.  Buggy suggested making them to look like fairy wands for her next birthday....hummmmm.  We have already been asked to bring them to some bake sales for local churches, pretty popular I guess.  I need to play with some ideas to make them Christmas tree ornaments. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A long...............time between posts...sorry

It has been a very busy summer here with swimming and gymnastics and all our wonderful summer activities.  We are a few weeks into the school year and so far Buggy is having a good time.  She attends Baraboo Community Christian School, a brand new school with a "one room school house" feel to it.  The  kindergarten through third Grade are all in one room, letting Bethy work at her own pace.  Dimples and I are spending most of our time at home together, with rips to the "gym"  for him, and sometimes the library.  It seems to be lot easier to get grocery shopping and such done this way.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Wipe off coloring pages....the cheapo way.
the kids coloring books with uncolored pages.
card stock
clear contact paper
dry erase markers(they make these washable now!)
copy machine (find your own or use the one at work, the copy stores probably won't help you, based on copyright laws)

Copy your kids' favorite images or character's onto the card stock. Cover with clear contact paper, cut to size.  Let them color with the dry erase markers.

Here is where you ask WHY? we already have the coloring books...
My answer...1) reuse the pages, it is "green"
2) no more "but he colored that one already!" arguments
And mostly...Because crayons melt in the car, leaving a mess and stain on the seats, gobs in the carpet.

Added bonus you can make recolor-able paper dolls from their favorite characters!  Or mount them on magnet sheets and give each kid a cookie sheet and some markers.  The cookie sheet is hard enough to write on, hols the paper still and keeps the markers from rolling away.

Monday, April 26, 2010

lets clear this up alittle.......

Okay so based on questions from my last post here is the run-down in brief.

JIU is Jones International University, an on line university that I attended to get my M.ed.  Masters in Education that is.  I finished my classes at the end of August 2009, and will be part of the "official" graduation June 25 2010. A web cast from CO. I have had my diploma since September or October, not sure which.  I graduated magna cum laude with a 3.87 GPA.  

The State of PA has decided that I need another Math class in order to receive a teaching certification. (This is NOT the same as a degree.)  The state of WI  says I need to take a class in teaching reading with phonics. (Yeah, they never met my kids.)  

The VA is not being real helpful on the paperwork aspect of the whole issue.  I have arranged with JIU to take the needed class starting May 2 but need the VA to do their part.  And yes these are the same people who are now in chare of your health care.....OH  HAPPY DAY!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


So how does one do an on-line graduation?  I got this in my e-mail:
Congratulations on completing your JIU degree!  We are very proud of all the hard work and dedication that allowed you to reach this milestone.

You will be a part of the graduation ceremony taking place June 25, 2010.  We encourage you to get involved and contribute to this exciting celebration. 

 So any clues?  I think waiting almost a year for the "official ceromony" is a little silly. I finished my last class at the end of August I  have a copy of my diploma already too, so I don't actually walk across any stage or shake any hands. I kinda like that graduation was walking to the mailbox.  I didn't even do that, DH brought in the mail that day.  

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

my daughter made me cry

For those who have not yet heard we are babysitting for a local mom who works second shift.  Her son, we will call Curly is a few months younger than Dimples.  Those boys have had  BLAST the past few days, I think they are working on a path in the carpet running between Dimples' room and the living room with cars and trains of every sort. So cute.
 On his first night here Buggy showed just how sweet and wonderful she can be.  At bedtime she helped tuck him in, she sang "You are my Sunshine" for him and blew him a kiss.  She treats him just as she does her brother. What a great kid.
A few minutes later she came out to make sure he was okay.  The next day she asked if Curly had a good "half sleepover."  For those of you who are unaware  half sleepover is when you go to bed at a friends house then go home in the middle of the night. 

"Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down. And this is all that life really means." - Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, April 19, 2010

I made this! magnetic paperdolls

In past issues of Sew Beautiful Magazine there were paper dolls as part of the center insert thingy.
Buggy likes her paper dolls with the plastic clingy clothes (kinda like colorforms) so maybe she would like these.
Here is my issue with them, the little folding tags that hold the clothes on.  I remember they ALWAYS ripped off.
My solution, magnet sheets. They make thin sheets of magnet that you peel off the backing and stick on whatever you want to make into the magnet.  I got mine at Michael's the last time we were in town.  I know that Joann's and OTC carry it too so look around.
I peeled off the backing and  stuck the dolls on.  Then added a layer of clear contact paper, just for fun,and a little less wear.
Cut out around them and VOILA!  Paper dolls.
The clothes come off if you shake them a lot but they work great on the fridge.  Not really a Dimples friendly toy, so they stay in Buggy's room.

These could be kinda fun in the car on a cookie sheet, or a magnetic easel.  Buggy played with them for hours while Dimples napped. 
You really don't need pre-printed dolls, just cut some sheets from a coloring book.....Ohhh an idea just came to me! check back to see if it works!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Flashback Friday

Side by side comparison......yup both cute....

 and hungry......

at least you brushed after. Can I have my toothbrush back now?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Clay Play

We went with an old standby today, salt clay. Yup, more stirring and flour, more mess. Outside this time, it was beautiful out there!
Recipe 1 cup flour,1 cup salt,and some water easy peasy no need for a craft store.
Lots of cookie cutters and rolling pins and you get a morning full of crafts and sunshine.

  We used a little food coloring too.  Kinda pretty.  The blue hands were clean again by the end of the day.

Some sandbox time, lots of running around, and you get this....ahh naptime.  Is it my turn?

Remind me to tell you the story of Buggy as "Sleeping Beauty" another time.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tasty Tuesday

So the other day I was going to make pretzels with the kids, easy enough with the bread maker. I measured and poured and dumped everything in the bread maker and turned it on. I watched to make sure it was going to be a pretty little dough ball, and as it was running noticed something odd.  Nothing is moving.  The flour, sugar etc was just sitting there.  I reached in with a spoon and found the little paddle thingy was missing.  I hadn’t checked for it before dumping stuff in because I store it in place, it lives in the bread maker.  UGGH!  Well, after a frustrated call to whine to my parents I wound up dumping it into a bowl and changing plans.  It turned into cinnamon raisin bread.  There was no way my hands could handle that much kneading.  A few quick changes and it was pretty good bread.  It took my family less than 24 hours to eat both loaves.
Today we made more for our morning activity. I took pictures to go with the recipe this time.  For those of you on diets confine yourself to 1 slice, (the size of that slice is at your own discretion.)

1 ½ cups warm water
3 ½ cups flour (we used a mix of white and wheat)
 4 tbl granulated sugar
2tbl oil
4tbls buttermilk powder
2 tbls yeast
Glass bowl, wooden spoon and 2 eager kids….

Measure and pour ingredients into the bowl…make sure you take turns.

Buggy thinks the yeast is “pretty and brown”

She remembered that we use yeast to make the air bubbles in the bread, Dimples likes trying to say fermentation…too cute.

Dump in the flour, taste everything as you go, even the flour, which is not nearly as tasty as the sugar.

Knead it and “make it all flat.”  Then spread the cinnamon and sugar on it, don’t forget the raisins. (I forgot them last time; boy did I hear about THAT!)  Roll it up “like a fat snake” then divide it in two and put it in buttered pans.  Let it rise while you play tent in the living room and Mom cleans Dimples.  (“I need wash hands” is an understatement).

Bake it at 375 until toasty brown and smells good.  It will sound hollow when you tap it.  Let it cool then eat for a snack, and have more after dinner, and more for breakfast tomorrow….

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

stealing content/blessings

There are lots of warnings out there about stealing content from others. I just don't see why someone would want to. Most of the blogs I have read are personal experiences and journals. That would be stealing someone's memories, don't you prefer to have your own?
I am watching Dimples play in the sandbox. So quiet and content. It is always amazing to me how focused he can get. His hair gets lighter in the sun.
I have to remember to get sunscreen. He has very light skin like the rest of his family. We burn easy,and fast.
Buggy is dancing on the deck her favorite thing to do, dance. She is wearing a skirt I made from some fabric I received from a friend. Thanks Stacey it is cute enough to wear anywhere but she love the flow of it for dancing.
I am truly blessed, Thanks God for my wonderful family and the chance to spend this time with them.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Flashback Friday

Easter Egg Hunt 2008.Looks like she got one.
What are your favorite traditions? How did the Easter bunny stop at your house? Were there gifts or candy or both?
We talked about Easter and the reason for the holiday, kinda like Christmas there is more than the "stuff" involved. She knows there is more to it but will understand better as she gets older. Somehow Christmas is easier, most kids understand birthdays, few get an early exposure to death, and none to a real resurrection. Ah, well we do as we can and relate as best we can.
She is pretty sure the cat will come back when she dies, we are working on that one.
I made Buggy's Easter dress this year. It is the sunny blue floral one in a earlier post about sundresses. I found a polo shirt to match it in the store for Dimples, B was surprised at how well they matched. I am not really, if you get enough shades of the same color together one of the is bound to match. Watch for pictures in later posts.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

why my friends hate me

They do, some of them anyway. They seem to believe that it is somehow my fault my kids are so well, wonderful.
It first started with Buggy, she was a great sleeper, and slept through the night in the first few months. This is apparently not what you tell parents whose kids do not sleep through the night still after the age of 2. She also sleeps in her own bed, always has. Don't get me wrong she has climbed in with us after a bad dream or two, but she just prefers her own bed. I do feel sorry for her future husband though; that girl kicks all night long!
My son says thank-you when you change his diaper. This is also unusual I hear. Not in my house,it happens all the time here. It is not just the diapers either, he says thank-you for his bath too.
They are pretty well mannered kids, they even say excuse me when passing others in the grocery store. When is the last time you heard an adult do that?
Recently I was on the phone with a friend who was having a hard time getting her tween to clean her own room. As we were talking she heard Buggy say in the background; "Mommy, cam I have a job to do?" She then proceeded to help me fold the towels as she was done making her bed and putting away her books. Not that she is always like that, just usually.
In an effort to make this a little less of a bragging on my kids session I must add that today I was informed that I "just don't understand what it is like to be a kid." I coulda sworn I had a few more years til I heard that one.....

Today's pic is by my cousin, she is great with a camera. Dimples was shaking everyone's hand outside my sister's wedding in September. What a little gentleman!

Literacy Skills can kill….

Ever have one of those dreams that you live in a romance novel then wake up and realize your life is more a Dr. Seuss book? You keep repeating the same phrases over and over, and the little creatures you live with rhyme everything you say. Yeah, yeah I know the early literacy skills thing, but when the teachers called it "rhyming like crazy" in school they were not kidding. Yipes! D is getting in on the act now too, but does not quite get it. He just shouts out random words instead of the rhymes.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thomas Sneakers

I took the kids for a walk today to the library. Not really a feat until you consider it is about a mile each way on hilly terrain with the kids in the wagon. TIRED! The walks to the pool this summer will be easier it is 1/4 the distance.

B got to pick out more fairy books, she apparently thinks they are great. Even if momma has to stay with her during the Jack Frost parts. Last night Daddy opened her door after lights out and she put down her book and said "OH Daddy I am a reader girl" in a tone that just made ya want to pity her.Ugh!

On the nap side D went down without a fight today. About 10 min after I tucked him in he was lying there with his arms crossed over his chest and a very angry and determined look that said "I will lie here but I will not sleep" 5 min after that he was out.

I usually manage to avoid the character sneakers in the store but D got a pair of Thomas ones today. We got home from the store at bedtime so we had to take them away. He was crawling around on the floor with them, pounding on them to make them light up, and insisting he needed them on NOW. I am thinking that if tomorrow is a walk day we may have to take them off after he falls asleep.

The latest word in our house is gregarious,and it fits them well. She talks constantly. When asked why she was talking it was "because I am 4" "so what happens when you turn 5?" "I'll take a break for a few days" How far away is August?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I took the two of them to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this morning. It pretty much set the theme of the day. I was surprised that D sat for the whole show, a little sleepy at the end but he seemed to focus on the stage. Pointing "what kids doin?" B was enthralled as usual. It seems she is used to meet and greet following the show though, she was not happy that she did not get to meet the cast.
When we got to school, I warned her teacher that she might be a little wound up. No sooner had I gotten the warning out when she came running down the hall talking about the show a mile a minute. By the end of the school day she was worn out pretty well.
I took D home, much to his disappointment for a nap. " come on let's put D in for his nap"--me
"I not D, I Sissy!"--what that boy will do to avoid a nap. We did have to take blankey along when we picked her up, a half hour nap was just not long enough.
It was a kinda rainy day, so we drove to the craft store for some supplies. On the way I hear them playing in the back seat. They were pulling each other out of the "chocolate river" with rope scarves.

In honor of our chocolate factory day and the fact that we miss our back door neighbor.... a pic of D at the chocolate factory in York

Monday, March 8, 2010

"the clock has to share the time; not keep the time..." B

Pretty slow day.
I did get a little work done, on B's swimming suits.
We are going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tomorrow.
Here are a few of the kids favorite things to say to keep ya busy......

Where sissy are?
NO sissy nap, D school!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

No school tomorrow, I will be stopping at the library early to pick up my stack of books. I even found one that is about a ballerina fairy! Kudos to the very helpful staff at Baraboo Public Library! We have a pretty good stack, a few of which are part of a series so there are more where they came from.

Naptime today was quite the adventure. I first tucked D in at 12, his usual time. He FOUGHT this one. 2 diaper changes, and 5 tuck ins later he was too tired to fight it anymore. It was also 230. At some point he located a cup and was banging it on the rails of his bed....like a prisoner. There was about 15 min of "let me out here" then the "let me out here,please" Yeah the please is not gonna help ya this time pal....even if I can hear the sticky sweet smile that comes with it. My boy...has dimples and knows how to use 'em.

She told me the story from "The Firebird" as portrayed in Fantasia while Daddy read to D tonight. Yeah, the comprehension portion of her reading test will not be an issue. She was pretty upset about the girl who almost got burned up, but it turned out good, she made the whole world alive again.

Did not get any sewing done today, too busy tucking in D. Hopefully I will have more success tomorrow.

The pic is 1/28/08.

My sister M rocks! Thanks for the postcards. She is so excited when they come and she gets to find the state on her map. You the best!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Viva la differance

There are 2 eleven yr old girls in my life whose names start with K. One is raising funds for cancer research by shaving her head, the other is up on assault and battery charges..........WOW!

My little reader is currently in her room throwing a hissy fit because I made her put ALL the coins in the piggy bank, including the gold dollar coins. This is not her norm. The sitter from the other night was shocked that the two of them just climb into bed after story time. No whining or fussing just right to bed. Proud of my kids! By the way that punctuation is an excited mark--- not an exclamation point.

D grew last night--I swear he is taller than he was when I put him to bed. His little belly is gone too...now his diaper is all that holds up his pants. To those that think cloth diapers are "too thick" I say Thank goodness or that boy would walk out of his pants every time! It is kinda funny to watch it happen.
I love how excited he gets waiting for her to come home from school. "Where Sissy are?" is his first question when he gets up from his nap. He gives her the biggest hugs when she gets home. On the flip side only Sissy kisses make bumped heads feel better now. Poor Mommy!
The gala was fun, kinda. I went to a fund raiser for a theater and was not working....odd for me. No lights, scenery or set up required of me. I even wore (GASP) a dress!

I am kinda inspired by K, my niece. I was making her a few hats for after she shaves her head and was wondering if I should sell a few. I sold nothing on my last Etsy site, so why would this time be different?

B is upstairs doing the dishes, my least favorite chore. He is the best!

The picture is from B after her first St Patty's Day Parade!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


So is it that hard to send a postcard to a 4 yr old? I ask because it seems that way for my family. I have 4 siblings - one sent a postcard, of my 12 Aunts and Uncles -zero, nada, zilch. My in-laws have been way better, even a postcard from a cousin I never met. It stared as a fun way to learn the States, she became interested when we traveled to see family. I thought it would be fun --just think how many friends and family in different places I have, her collection would be huge. Getting the postcards has also helped her when she has a hard time with the whole move thing. She sees the ones on her wall and sees that her friends do remember her, "even far away in Baraboo"

On the crafting front I finished a quilt from the UFO bin, finally got the christening gown in the mail, and made a few doll outfits.

B's parent teacher conference went well. She adds "spice" to the classroom. Her teachers are impressed with her vocabulary. How many people really expect a 4 yr old to tell them "I have a dilemma "We are hoping to get an "official" reading level for her sometime in March. Her teacher is guessing at about 2nd grade at this point. I gave her a book tonight and she disappeared into her room until she had read the whole thing. 4 Harold and the Purple Crayon stories in the book, so much for a new book. On the upside she accepted it this time. Last time she refused to take a new book because she thought she had to give up her old books, like her house and friends.

D is getting so big. Such an explorer. Today he got busted on the counter, and yesterday we are assuming it was him who ran the dishwasher. A very good friend sent a gift that causes him to have a "million dollar smile" A puppy that sings and talks to him, it teaches a few things but mostly he likes it because it is his. He is learning his letters and numbers already, and loves books as much as sissy does. Got busted with 6 books in his bed at nap time the other day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"I am a reader"

D was eaten by a bookshelf........He is okay. The empty cabinet he was playing with fell on him with the doors open. Somehow they closed as it was going down trapping him inside. He was on the floor inside the cabinet with the doors closed. Scared but unscathed.

B is having a rough time this week with being away from her friends in York. "I want my real friends at my real school" She cried again after school today. So very sad, but all we can do is give her more time.
She has decided to be a scientist so we got her a journal to write her observations in. So excited! I discovered today that her school does not work on writing skills. So frustrating!! My kid is so far beyond where the rest of the school is right now she is getting bored. I really hope this does no turn into a behavior issue. There are so many programs for kids who need help getting up to speed but so little for kids who are in the fast lane. UGGGHHH! No Child Left Behind also means no child gets ahead. What happened to supporting our kids?!!
The least restrictive environment is supposed to be for all kids! The teacher actually said she is not supposed to work on writing skills with the class, but sneaks it in when she can. I read some good things about Baraboo Schools, now i am beginning to wonder. She is reading at about first or second grade level, give her a little more of a challenge! More than once she has read some sign to me in public and has been asked if she was in second grade.

Finished a couple of sundresses this week, bright sunny blues and yellows to go with the snow. I like sewing and wish I could do more,( or at least sell enough to support my habit!). The flower pin was more work than the dress!! I live where crating supplies are not readily available, so a little more creativity is in order. Mail order may become critical here. Anyone want to order a dress?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

moving saddness

Some of the saddest pictures I have ever seen were created by B today. They were all done in black and all of the people have tears on their faces. She broke down crying because she misses her "real house and real school." We sat and just cried for a little bit then we opened and very well timed letter from her best friend in York. She feels better but still wants dancers and her friends.

On a lighter note I made the first sundress of the season today. Why not schools were closed early due to snow so what better timing could you have?

Monday, February 8, 2010

"I wuv her"

D is not momma's guy anymore. I asked for a hug from my guy and he said "no, sissy guy..I wuv her." What a cutie!
B is loving the map and postcards. She is getting to know all the states already. She sent D to Michigan today, didn't want to play with him anymore. We got the postcards from our friends in Rochester, NY today.
I love how she remembers stuff from her books and it comes up in random play through the day. Today she is making molases candy "like Laura and Mary" in her play kitchen. I don't think I want any it has salt and pepper in it.
I am looking for a cute military cap pattern for D for the summer. He really dislikes the sun in his eyes "Go way sun" There are some cute ones at TCP but I thought making them to go with his outfits would be kinda fun.
B misses dancers most from York. They are in the middle of the season here so she can't start til the summer session.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

UFO Reduction Act

We are getting settled in our rental house in WI, and with less snow than we would have had in PA. Things are settling into routine and I actually have had time to sew in the last few days. As I was packing and cleaning out my sewing room I set aside a bin of UFOs that I wanted to keep(the rest went to a very generous soul who had no clue what she was getting int when she agreed to take them). I have finished 2 projects so far and might even get another done this week!
The first is a christening gown for a family member due to be Baptised in April. It was made mom's wedding gown so the hardest part is the layout. It ships back east on Monday if I can find a box....on the irony.
Much to my daughter's delight the other finished project is her pink and brown quilt. She even "tested it" already. It turned out pretty well.
I was a little disappointed in today's search for a church home. One would think that pastor(s) would be so happy to see new faces they would greet them or someone in the congregation would. I know it is Super Bowl Sunday but you had to notice there are new faces among the 50 or so attending.
SouperBowl was a much bigger success, we actually met some new friends and had a really good lunch. Kudos to the Baraboo High School students who made such awesome chili!